▴ A gold plated round charm engraved with a tiny awareness ribbon.We are happy to personalize the necklace with any color gemstone
▴Awareness ribbons are short pieces of colored ribbon folded into a loop as a way for wearers of the ribbon(s) to make a statement of support for a cause or issue.
▴A list of ribbon colors and causes they represent can be found here. A few common ribbon colors are:
- Pink: Breast cancer awareness
- Red: AIDS & HIV awareness
- Silver: Brain disorders awareness
- Blue & Yellow: Down Syndrome
- Blue: Addiction Recovery awareness
- Black: Mourning for those lost in the September 11th (9/11) attack.
- Burgundy: Adults with disabilities awareness & support
- Turquoise: Addiction Recovery
- Teal: Anti Bullying Awareness and Anxiety Disorder
- Orange: Agent Orange
- White: Blindness, Bone Cancer, Bone Disease
- Purple: Alzheimer's Disease awareness
- Lavender: Cancer awareness (all kinds)