1. Less is More products are available at wholesale prices to licensed businesses. Please read our Wholesale Terms & Conditions below. If you are interested in carrying Less is More in your shop, simply please contact us using our Contact Form. Please include your name, your shop's name, Tax ID, shop address, and website (if applicable). We’ll review and send you the password to our wholesale pages.
  2. Once you receive the password to our wholesale pages, click on the WHOLESALE tab to shop from our wholesale collections where all products are listed at wholesale prices
  3. Add all items you want to purchase to your cart, then pay for your order. We accept Amex, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, Visa, and Paypal.
  4. Your order will be ready to be shipped via USPS Priority mail in 1-2 weeks depending on product availability.



There's no minimum opening order!

Orders can be placed on our website after you receive the password to access our wholesale pages whereas all products are listed at wholesale prices. You may also contact us for a PDF Linesheet. Email order can be sent to: info@lessismorejewelry.com.

Because all of our items are handcrafted to order, our lead time is between 1- 4 weeks from order date, depending on product availability. Your order will leave our studio as soon as it is ready. We charge a flat shipping rate on all wholesale orders. The flat shipping rate only applies to orders within the USA. International shipping rates will be calculated upon shipping, buyers are responsible for duties and taxes. Orders ship from San Francisco, CA via USPS Priority. Please let us know if you have another shipping method preference

We accept payments by check, money order, PayPal, or credit card. Returned checks subject to $25 fee. Orders paid by check will only ship once payment is cleared.

Items not available at time of shipment will be placed on backorder. Please notify us if you have a no backorder policy.


We only accept returns on defective merchandise. Claims must be made within 7 business days of receipt of your shipment. 

NET 30

Net 30 payment terms are not available for first time customers. Net 30 terms are only available upon approval. To apply for Net 30 Terms, please email 5 trade references for approval to info@lessismorejewelry.com. You must include phone and fax numbers as well as contact names for your trade references. Once the approval process is complete you will receive a letter regarding your terms status with Dogeared.


We are happy to fix any broken merchandise. Simply contact us via phone or email. Buyers pay for shipping.  

Contact us at info@lessismorejewelry.com. We’ll make our best effort to answer your questions as soon as possible.